The Union Labour Ministry is about to notify a significant expansion of the list of hazardous processes and occupations where the employment of children below 18 years of age is strictly prohibited, even as it is working towards comprehensively reviewing and amending the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act of 1986.
Supply chains – Indian child labour slips through the Gap
Sean Ansett, managing partner of At Stake Advisors and former global partnerships director at Gap, believes that no company, even the most responsible, is immune to child labour in its supplhey chain.
Our unlucky children
Our children can buy potato chips in 40 flavours, but are denied an education tailored to their needs. Aamir Khan’s film is about a dyslexic boy let down by his school. His teachers do not recognize what makes him different and treat him as if he is stupid, shattering his self-esteem. Then Khan comes in as a sensitive teacher and turns things around.
Cartoon courtesy Suman
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